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The Inspiration for Denali and Falcor

Denali and Falcor are fictional Great Pyrenees and the stars of my novels. Although mainly based on my first two Pyrs (Miles and Denali), they have grown to become compilations of the many wonderful Pyrs that I have known.

Miles and Denali


Charlie is a working Great Pyrenees who lives on a farm very similar to Martha's, in the Flock and Fiber Mysteries. The photo was taken by Judy Gustafson. 


Karlo, Maddie, and Pele

Below are Karlo and his aunt Pele in a mock battle in the backyard, as well as Maddie (Karlo's mother) and Pele on a hike in the mountains. 

Karlo and Pele Pele and Maddie


The Current Dogs

Below are pictures of the dogs who currently share my life. Keanani is a Maremma, an Italian livestock guardian dog. Hoku, jumping over the bars, and Kip, among the palm trees, are mixed breed dogs.

Hoku Keanani Kip