Flock n Fiber Mysteries, Logo


About Me

Veryl Ann Grace and Keanani

Hi! I'm Veryl Ann Grace, and the pretty young lady with me in the picture is Keanani. She is a Maremma, which is an Italian breed of livestock guardian dog. We live in Hawaii with my husband, Glenn, and two other dogs, Kip and Hoku.

Although I was taught to sew, knit, crochet, and tat by my grandmothers, my passion for the fiber arts really took off it when I realized that I could spin my own yarn from the hair my beloved Great Pyrenees were leaving everywhere. Our first Great Pyrenees, Denali, entered our life in 1983 and—except for a short period of time here in Hawaii—we have had a livestock guardian dog ever since.

I was born in Denver, Colorado, and spent most of my young life as an Air Force brat moving around the country. After graduating from Highland High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I attended Colorado State University and then graduated from Eastern Washington State College. (It was a college, not a university back then.)

I worked for the State of Washington for 26 years, where I spent my spare time climbing mountains, skiing, scuba diving, and doing all kinds of activities with my dogs. All the while, I was an avid reader of mysteries. I gained my love of the genre from my mother, Martha Ellen Eskridge.

Flocks of Sheep

Once we retired and moved to Hawaii I finally found the time to put all the characters that had been filling my head for so many years onto paper. My two thrillers, Murder Spins a Tale and Murder Comes Unraveled, are the results. I hope you enjoy reading these murder mysteries and following the adventures of Martha, Denali, and Falcor through other stories as they appear!